Mobile App

Check out our mobile app!

Our mobile app is designed to give customers fast, secure account access so you can easily manage your account details, view your bill and your account balance, make payments, schedule alerts and reminders, receive push notifications and more. Nearly everything you can do from our Customer Portal can now be handled instantly whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go!

The app is available for Apple and Android users through the App Store and Google Play. Simply search for “CCPC” and install!


How does the app differ from the online customer portal?

Our app is a native app that can be downloaded and installed on your compatible mobile device while the customer portal is a web portal that runs directly in a web browser on your mobile device. Both give you secure access to maintain account information, view your bills and payment history, etc. The native app also allows you to register your accounts to receive push notifications for such things as an approaching or missed due date. Push notifications are not available through the customer portal.

Is the app secure?

Yes! All critical information is encrypted in every transaction run through the app and the customer portal. No personal information is stored on your mobile device. However, you have the option to store your login information in the app if you choose. If you choose to store your login information than any person with access to your mobile device can access your account.

What features does the app have?

Both the app and the customer portal give you the ability to view your accounts, view your bill and payment history, make secure payments, maintain subscriptions for alerts and reminders, sign up for bank draft, and so much more! The app also gives you the ability to sign up for push notifications.

How do I get the app?

Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for “CCPC”.

How much does the app cost?

Zero! The app is free to download and install.

I have more than one account – can I see them all?

Yes! After you have logged in you will see a list of accounts. To see details for a specific account simply click on the account. You can also pay all of your accounts at one time if you choose.

How current is the information shown in the app?

The information you see in the app and in the customer portal is real-time so it is always accurate. However, if you keep your app or your browser open for an extended period of time you may want to refresh the page to ensure the information is still current.